Balance in Life


"... When you look at the big picture of life and think about what you want, you get in touch with your deepest values, the fundamental things that will make you happy ..."

"...To feel nourished, energized, and balanced, you need to set big-picture goals for each category of your life..."

"... If your life feels out of balance, look to see where you are spending the majority of your time. Chances are that your time is being spent in those areas of your life for which your goals are clear-cut..."

Organizing and Time Management Expert,
Business Productivity Consultant, and Speaker,
New York Times bestselling author
BOOK: Time Management from the Inside Out

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex , overwhelming tasks into small maneageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.

American author and humorist


"...In order to check your balance, we first need to establish exactly what you are trying to balance your time between..."

"...One of the secrets of managing your time well is to simplify your life categories. Below are some common life categories. Choose five or six from the list below, or come up with categories that make sense to you..."

  • Work

  • Family

  • Self

  • Romance

  • Friendship

  • Finances

  • Knowledge

  • Home

  • Spirituality

  • Community

  • Health

What are the departments of your life?

Organizing and Time Management Expert,
Business Productivity Consultant, and Speaker,
New York Times bestselling author
BOOK: Time Management from the Inside Out

"When you work, work, and when you play, play. Don´t get the two mixed up."

Jim Rohn
American Entrepreneur, Author and
Motivational Speaker.


Balance as an indicator of goal clarity

"...Checking your balance will also provide an interesting view of not just your time management challenges, but also the clarity of your goals. It´s been my observation that the areas we spend the most time on are the areas where our goals are the most clear.

If your life feels out of balance, look to see where you are spending the majority of your time. Chances are that your time is being spent in those areas of your life for which you have well-articulated goals. For example, if work takes the majority of your time, your work aspirations are probably crystal clear, whereas your goals for your personal life (which you rarely make time for) are less developed...."

Organizing and Time Management Expert,
Business Productivity Consultant, and Speaker,
New York Times bestselling author
BOOK: Time Management from the Inside Out

You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.

Author of As a Man Thinketh


1) How did you divide your life?

2) What are you trying to balance your life between?

3) What would make me happy in each of these key areas of my life?

4) When all is said and done, what am I working toward?

5) What do I dream of attaining in each life department?

Organizing and Time Management Expert,
Business Productivity Consultant, and Speaker,
New York Times bestselling author
BOOK: Time Management from the Inside Out

A journey of 1,000 miles must begin with one step.
Ancient Chinese Proverb

The B-ALERT System for Optimum Balance

"...Do you enjoy a healthy , well-balanced lifestyle , doing work that you love, and that gives you an excellent financial return and allows you to have significant time off to pursue your other interests? The answer is either "Yes" or "No".

If your answer is "No" , we are now going to give you a system that will keep you focused and balanced. Even if you answered "Yes" , this unique system will elevate your awareness to a new level. It´s called The B-ALERT System for Optimum Balance..."


My strategic plan for the day. Priorities, appointments, projects. Review the night before or early morning.


Concentrate on the most important activities that will move you towards accomplishing your sixty-day goals.


Expand your knowledge through reading, cassettes, video, mentors, courses.


Re-energize for thirty minutes.


Eliminate daily stress. Nap, meditate, listen to music, family time.


Take time to reflect on the day. Review goals, visualize, develop new ideas, use a journal.

Track your progress every week. Set up your own simple recording chart. At the end of each day take a moment to record your score. Circle any area that you miss.


BOOK: The Power of Focus


1) Business and Career: How do you become extremely successful and satisfied and move to the top of your field?

2) Family and Personal Life: How do you achieve balance between external success and your personal relationships?

3) Money and Investments: How do you get your financial life under control and achieve financial independence?

4) Health and Fitness: How do you achieve and maintain high levels of fitness, energy and overall well-being?

5) Personal Growth and Development: How do you identify and acquire the key knowledge and skills that you need to live an extraordinary life?

6) Social and community activities: How do you structure your life so that you make a real difference in the world and leave a lasting legacy?

7) Spiritual Development and Inner Peace : How do you organize your inner life and thinking so that you realize your full potential as a human being?

Author and Speaker
Chairman and CEO of
Brian Tracy International
BOOK: Focal Point

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